Plant Base Meal; The Best Diet To Lower Breast Cancer Risk

When it comes to strictly sticking to a meal habit that helps you reduce the risk of you being exposed to Breast cancer, choosing a meal that doesn’t rely on meat might be the best decision you will make; however, it turns out that some specific plant-based diet can help you reduce the risk of breast cancer.

During the recently concluded ‘America Society for nutrition’ recent annual meetings, There was a breakdown of results from a study that involved the information from 65,574 participants collected from 1993 to 2014, per Medscape. The data showed that those who consume a lesser amount of meat were 14% less at risk of developing breast cancer. However, that was only applied to participants who stuck to a healthy, primarily plant-based diet. Others who were otherwise diets and consumed unhealthy foods and drinks saw an increased breast cancer risk of 20%.

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“Results suggest that the best diet for breast cancer prevention could be a healthy plant-based diet comprising fruit, whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and nuts,” This was proven in the study led by an Author Sanam Shah, MBBS, FCPS, MPH, a doctoral candidate in epidemiology at Paris-Saclay University in France.

At the same time, he also added that “an unhealthy plant-based diet comprising of higher intakes of primarily processed products of plant origin, such as refined and processed grains, refined and processed fruit juices with a lot of artificial additives, sweets, desserts, and potatoes, would be worse for breast cancer prevention.”

He also explains that food and drink options like chips and juice “aren’t necessarily ‘bad,'” she explains that they “are not on the top of my list as cancer-fighters because they are so highly refined.”

“For example, a baked potato provides fiber and other nutrients as well as phytonutrients and is low in fat, while potato chips have very few, if any, protective nutrients and are relatively high in fat,” Wards says. On top of that, “eating lots of highly refined plant foods can crowd out other, more nutritious choices that provide cancer-fighting nutrients.” Finally, Ward says “the other issue is calories,” as “too many foods that are relatively high in calories can lead to becoming overweight which is associated with certain forms of breast cancer.”

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