I have culled 25 of the most hilarious crypto memes and attempted to give just enough context to make everyone enjoy and not ruin it as well.
Crypto popularity hinges on it being decentralized and accessible for just anyone. What better way to make everyone partake than letting its hair down? Jokes and pop culture have always been the digital currency way to make it relatable. Gone are the days when geeks alone understood cryptocurrency, now, everyone can share in it, in some way.
In my own little way, I have collected 25 of the funniest crypto meme on the internet and put them in one place. Enjoy!
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25. You can’t hurt me!
You will think you know what being hurt means until are in the dip and you opt to stay there regardless of the FUD that it may be causing. People who are in the dip can no longer be hurt by more price drops.
24. Passive income my foot
Crypto trading has been paraded as a means of getting ‘passive income’, well, I hope they also told you of the sleep you will be losing when you see the declining red indicators.
23. Why are you into cryptocurrency?
We have all likely heard crypto people say they are tech enthusiasts when in reality, they are businessmen. I mean, come on, you can’t have 10 BTC, the equivalent of $400,000+ and still say you are only interested in the workings of the blockchain technology. We are no longer buying it.
22. “Crypto is easy,” they say
Now tell me why you look like a 70-year-old with eight grandkids, three children, and a three-time divorcee when you are barely 30?
21. It is not spending but investing
Crypto traders are a different breed. They will complain about the price of milk but will not think twice before spending a thousand times that on something they can even hold.
20. Financial stability
Financial stability and cryptocurrency should not be used in the same sentence. With the way it fluctuates, I think a special Squid Game episode should be set aside for crypto traders in the second season.
19. Catch me if you can
It is not always negative to own bitcoin. For example, the fact that no government or body can seize your digital assets without your assistance is a positive thing.
18. Miners but the soft kind
If you are also confused about crypto mining like the rest of the world, you should read this article. Mining crypto seems to be a bit different from the traditional mining, who would have thought?
17. What price drop?
Stock market price drops making the news will never stop being funny to crypto market traders. I mean, why are people concerned that a company’s stock dropped by 1.34% when coins can fall to -40% in a single day!
16. Brave of you to assume …
So, you assume because I am trading bitcoin, I know what I am doing? Please, I don’t even know what a stop loss means. Is it suppose to stop me from losing money or something?
15. Joy!
I am not crying, you are. The fourth frame is every traders dream and just looking at it alone is making my eyes misty.
14. HODL!
Trading crypto is all about knowing when to sell and when to HODL. The tricky part is being able to hold for as long as it takes, which is not very easy.
13. What is crypto trading?
No many people understand crypto trading and will make assumptions. Its kind of funny because their assumptions are somehow right because even you are not sure of what it is you are doing.
12. First they hate, then they …
Just a couple of years ago, company CEOs were laughing at crypto pioneers. But now, they are falling over each other to start incorporating it. Shocking!
11. Time travel
If you could go back in time, what will you do besides buying bitcoin on the cheap and never sending that embarrassing text?
10. No peace for the HODL-er
You can’t just sleep, try as you may, without checking what the crypto market has in store for you.
9. The dream
The ultimate bitcoin dream is not to have to convert it to money, but use it as a means of transaction in its digital form.
8. FUD got you
The only way to overcome fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) is to not check your digital asset every second. Well, that sounds easy until you actually have them.
7. Decisions, decisions, decisions
To sell or to hold? Well, the clock is ticking and the dip can even go into another dip or moon. You decide.
6. Bitcoin is the new s_xy
No one would have believed that in such a short time, BTC would be much more valuable than the USD. Now, everyone want to own some bitcoin.
5. This one hurts!
Pro tip, how to hurt a crypto trader in one move: show them the third frame.
4. Where is my childhood?
Have you spend most of your youth trading crypto, then you will relate to this meme.
3. Hmmm …
The less said about this, the better.
2. How to sell in 2022
Finding it hard to sell something? Slap the NFT label on it!
1. It is definitely not low
Snoop Dogg definitely approves of this one.
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15 thoughts on “25 most hilarious crypto memes you will find on the internet”