Axie Token Infiniti Rises Like The Foam In Just Hours Of The Day

The cryptographic movements that characterize the digital investment market demonstrate the ease with which digital assets can generate profits or losses depending on the type of strategy executed. Many have invested in Bitcoin trading and are using trading platforms like

Digital currencies during 2022 have gone through various phases that, for many novices and professionals, have put millions of dollars at risk; only those who have been able to find the intrinsic value of these financial instruments are the ones who have managed to cope with this crisis.

After the fall of the Exchange FTX, digital currencies have had an even more complicated panorama, but this does not indicate that it is irrecoverable; it is evident that the crypto winter is worsening, and the possibilities of a change in trend could be generated in 2023.


Its name comes from the famous online game that bears the same name Axie Infinity, which has reached a level of positioning among the followers of e- games, managing to create a large community, as well as its token to develop the game mechanics.

It is considered one of the most successful Play to Earn in the crypto environment, where crypto trades are enormous in volume and possess exorbitant market strength.

Its creators were inspired by the growing wave of proposals based on NFTs and their various potentialities; based on the Ethereum blockchain, the possibility of trading said non-fungible Tokens, which undoubtedly generated a cryptographic market that warranted the creation of a token that allowed this type of financial operations.

Known by its initials AXS, it has reflected a recent growth in its price as a digital asset of around 40% in 24 hours, which has left many crypto market users surprised, going from a cost of $6.85 to $9.43.

However, it has maintained a reasonably high exchange volume compared to the levels it had been developing during this crypto-winter phase.

Blockchain economy potentiated in e- games.

This technical and financial proposal gave way to a new proposal that undoubtedly attracted many followers from Vietnam and South Korea.

Based on digital genetics and NFT, the positioning of this digital economy among gamers has made it possible to diversify digital investment strategies for all those followers of cryptocurrencies.

The primary beneficiaries of this type of technology are digital artistic creators, who have been able to integrate online games, their communities, and the economic system that makes Axie possible Infinity.

Tokens in e- games boost the crypto market.

Everything could indicate that the crypto winter would end thanks to the boost given by the use and management of the tokens with which users of games based on blockchain technology operate.

It is because the younger generations adapt more easily and quickly to what is related to technology; their childhood and growth have been developed by playing, which indicates that their management and mastery of technologies and social networks are much more optimal.

Digital investments today represent one of the main attractions for these generations, which undoubtedly leads to the promotion of blockchain-based platforms, the digital financial market, and of cryptocurrencies.

Fun in exchange for money

The famous video game series known as Pokemon is the one that has promoted this type of video game proposal, in which many have immersed themselves; it is there where Axie begins to be created Infinity, whose main objective is for users to form, trade and fight through pets known as Axies.

This type of pet is the representation of digital goods in the form of NFTs, which are traded during the development of the video game between the participants and with the use of the AXS token; with the collection of these valuable digital elements, profits are obtained in money, which undoubtedly represents a significant attraction for anyone wishing to join the crypto environment.

This platform has more than 3 million active users, and its most recent NFT reached a modest $820,000.


The situation that digital currencies have had to go through this year has been quite particular since we find ourselves in a highly vulnerable economic and financial environment.

The war between Russia and Ukraine has yet to generate stability; it only remains to wait as this digital strategy contributes to the global improvement of the digital financial market and thus achieves the desired profits by crypto traders.


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