Want to live a healthy and long life?

Then it’s time to immigrate to Italy! The country’s good healthcare system and a diet rich in vegetable have been attributed as the reasons Italy ranks top of 163 nations considered in the 2017 Bloomberg Global Health Index – this is despite the economic struggle and high unemployment rate in Italy. The Global Health Index used a mix of metrics that include ‘life expectancy, causes of death and health risks ranging from high blood pressure and tobacco use to malnutrition and the availability of clean water’ to rank the countries.


Sadly, no Africa country was featured in the top 50 of the Index, an indication of the generally low quality of Africans relative to those of developed nations. The WHO, in 2015 for example, estimated the life expectancy for Nigerians at 53 for males and 56 for females, against a global average of 71.4 years. The WHO life expectancy reflects availability and quality of healthcare, conflicts, ongoing wars, and prevalence of HIV/AIDs amongst other criteria – these factors, unfortunately, are very much prevalent in Nigeria and out of control of common people.


Nonetheless, at the individual level, one can still take responsibility to improve their health, for instance through basic hygiene practices, taking preventative measures against malaria, HIV and other communicable diseases, as well as preferring natural diets – fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish. Less of refined food and junks, minimal salt and sugar. Exercise too is said to be of great health benefits. Smoking we are warned, are harmful to health as is excessive alcohol consumption. If you must drink, drink responsively!


Now is the time to take action and embark on a healthier lifestyle.



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