How to overcome irrational fears

An irrational fear is an intense fear of something that poses little or no actual danger in reality.

Common fears may include, closed-in places, heights, highway driving, flying insects, snakes, and needles.
People can develop phobias of virtually anything. While most fears develop in childhood, they can also develop later in life.

The thing about irrational fears is that we are not keen to look at them. It makes us feel inadequate, weak and daft because we can’t do things that it seems everyone else can. That gives the fear power.

1. Why did this happen?

For some people, they really need to know why the fear started, for others all they want is to get rid of it. According to Mandie Holgate, you need to understand your fear and where it came from.

Look for when you first noticed the fast heartbeat, the shallow breathing, the shaking hands, the redness. It could be that it felt sensible to fear this because you had an unhappy outcome, although it is usually the case that your head has the facts and your heart is not prepared to hear them as it creates a version of the event that is far scarier than it actually was.

Learning how to remove the emotions and feelings will help you to change your body’s response.

2. Acknowledge that you need to change

It’s not easy to change, and that is a belief that many hold. Remember that when you want to do, think or feel differently, you’ve already achieved the first step and that is recognizing something must change (you don’t need to know what); it’s about acknowledging it. That means not only accepting it but feeling that it is your duty to change what needs to be changed.

3. Physical supports

Music, environment and even smells can impact on us. Know the music that makes you feel alive and ready for anything. Try aromatherapy oils to feel positive and energised. Even choose your work environment or clothing to empower you.

Changing these things is physical and giving yourself physical ideas to action can help power up your emotional state too.

4. Don’t go at it alone

The fear to ask for help is very real. The fact is we all need people, we are not insular by design and as such, it can be tough to admit that you have a fear impacting on you.

However, sharing your fear with a trusted friend, colleague or loved one can mean that when you are feeling it, you can talk to someone.

5. Get physical

One of the reasons that a fear can escalate is because we have come to accept that response. Our body reacted in a certain way, once repeated the behaviour and it became a formed habit that was accepted.

Challenging a fear can be done using our body too when we appreciate that fear is actually a reaction inside our bodies. We don’t need to understand where in our brains or what chemicals are racing through us to use our physicality to help us challenge our fears.

If you have a fear of public speaking or a fear of people thinking you are stupid or a fear of what people are thinking you can look at how you speak, stand and move.



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