Epic Put down! “Eat chocolate, have sex, be happy,” Tiwa Savage tells critics

Tiwa Savage gives us more reasons to love her

She’s beautiful, she’s at an all high time of her career, https://sidomexentertainment.com/2017/09/27/tiwa-savage-looks-s-m-o-k-i-n-g-wcw/she’s in love and she’s sassy: perfect combo

And she can’t be bothered with petty criticism that apparently bothers only the critics.

So being herself (as usual), the BBC Inspirational woman of the year shared a photo from the AFRIMA Awards where she had performed barefoot on stage (and won the Best Female West Africa Act), because you know what? That was the way she wanted it.

But some people well, can’t handle it. Worse still, will spew their ignorance on the social media.

@tiwasavage mama plz learn to rock ur heels on stage nah bikonu.its not easy but you are born to do this comon!,” commented user @jewelinfinitynze
I love your music but you should learn to perform with heels. Imagine being on stage with Beyonce or Rihanna and you show up without shoes, you’ll totally look awkward. It’ll be so embarrassing??,” chirped in @kfalade03
Why does she always go bare feet,” rhetorically wondered @jirmfoodenterprises



But Tiwa Savage wasn’t gonna sweat it. She wasn’t going to conform to some random fan’s stranger’s idea of how she’s expected to conduct her affairs. She’s very much aware that you can’t please everyone So shared this post to remind everyone that the best course of action is to do what makes one happy.

“Eat chocolate, have sex, and be happy”

By the way, she mentioned that “?????that barefoot cuts me some nice cheques though ???

Now who’s smiling to the bank




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