In her post, Toke Makinwa reveals that growing a social media account can be tough but she has learnt and is still learning the hang of it.
one way she described to build a social media presence is to check previous posts with a high number of activity and compare the activities to the present post, study and replicate it.
The media girl also added that the new Instagram algorithms have made posts difficult to be seen, but she has found her way around it
Toke Makinwa advised her fans not to undersell themselves after they have built a brand for themselves on social media.
The full lesson will be delivered in her master class. Who best to learn from, than from a multi-media personality and a bestseller author with 1.7 million followers on Instagram, and 385 thousand followers on Twitter.
Read the full lesson below
“Good morning, I get asked a lot of: ‘how to grow your numbers on social media/ Instagram’ and while it is one of the things I will talk about at our master class soon, (praying to feel better much sooner), I wanted to drop this here.
“I am still learning. I only just learnt how to check my stats on Instagram and above is a report for the last seven days. the numbers blew me away as I haven’t been as interactive as I usually am but thank you all for love. Checking my activity bar made me feel shy.
“Whaaaaaaaaat!!!! I still remember when I only had 100 people here. Then we had 500, we are still growing.(The number of people that secretly view your page ehn, don’t worry about the likes, your reach is the major key
if Instagram puts faces to the numbers we will all have a fun-filled day.
“I digress I digress but the impressions, the reach etc. people use social media for different things, I’ve had to explain to so many people, it is important to identify why you are on it first. People make a lot of money from being here.
“Growing your numbers can be tough I’ve also learnt to go back and study my past posts with higher numbers of interactions to master what I did there that got the engagement I got and then I keep applying it. The use of hashtags used to be king bu the new Instagram algorithm has made things a bit harder for your posts to be seen, it is a challenge no doubt but I’ve learnt to work on the power of influence, find out why people follow you and what keeps them coming back, etc.
“Building a digital brand is a very interesting journey guys, a lot of work goes into it so when you charge your worth for partnerships and paid post, make sure your numbers can deliver and if it does, don’t undersell yourself, you’ve worked hard for it.
“I Can’t wait to get back into it full swing, planning so much for the master class and for those asking, pls be patient with me. The body tells you who is boss sometimes and even when I haven’t been as interactive in a week, Thank you all for the love. the numbers don’t lie.
“There’s a lesson in the smallest detail.”
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