‘How I infected my children with COVID-19’ – Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde

Nollywood actress, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde has been incredibly forthright about her journey through COVID-19. 

She first came forward with her story a week ago and advised that fellow acting practitioners to get tested for COVID-19 due to how frequently they are exposed while on set.

Now, she is sharing more about her diagnosis and how she unintentionally infected her children with COVID-19. According to Vanguard, she shared:

“I hardly fall ill and so when I left the set and started having chills the next day or so, I knew something wasn’t right. I thought it might be stress. This was on Monday, August 3. I waited till Tuesday and it got worse. I was shaking uncontrollably and my temperature was going through the roof.

“My spirit told me immediately, this is not malaria or fever. I have been extremely careful and paranoid about this COVID-19 stuff. So I told hubby I needed to be tested immediately. I have a son that has Asthma! They came to test me on Wednesday and my result came out on Thursday evening … Positive. My world crashed. I felt crazy and empty.

“My symptoms were high fever and chills… luckily no other. But it was so bad, they contemplated coming to evacuate me as my viral loaf was high and I wasn’t getting better … but God arose for me. I went into isolation immediately. We got my result but my daughter started feeling funny.

“So they had to come test the whole family … I had infected my daughter and asthmatic son ! My God showed up for me as my son is asymptotic, so positive but not sick ! My daughter lost her smell and taste and had severe diarrhea. All has stopped now, thank God.” “My husband and last son tested negative respectively. We are all now in remission … taking another test soon.

“It’s physically, spiritually and emotionally exhausting as the doctors tell you it’s a 50/50 chance . Nothing you do really saves you . You can only take the vitamins, manage the symptoms and hope your body fights.”

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