My 4 tips on how to make Monday your favourite day of the week

If you’re anything like me, the weekend ends by 5:00 pm on Sunday.

Monday has a way of taking its toll in people. My thought patterns every Sunday evening is something like this: “Sunday is over! Jesus, it’s Monday!” Sigh.

What makes Monday dreadful is the tiring traffic (If you live in my kind of city), the drudgery toil of work on Mondays and the fact that you’re still living in the weekend.

My thoughts and dread for the day do not stop it from coming. Hence my search for ways to make it enjoyable every time I witness the day.

Here are the four tips use personally to spice up my Monday and make it far from dreadful.

1. Do something ‘weekend-ish’ today

Do something today that you would normally do on weekends. Nothing disastrous since you have to go to work but cool. Meet a friend (you don’t work with) for lunch, have game night, go on a date or go to a fun event like a movie or festival. Your Monday brain may go into shock, but you’ll be proud and happy.

2. Play dress up to work

This tip depends on where you work. If you can’t go all flamboyant because of the dress code at work, you could just wear something new it could even be a fun earring. Believe it or not, dressing for a role will help you perform better.  This makes you feel like you are ready for Monday and excited to start the week.

3. Don’t scramble, just recoup

Highlights of Monday: Monday snooze session. Monday traffic jam. Monday office drama. Monday to-do list that’s unbelievably sky high. Monday emails.

Rather than trying to do everything on Monday, organise and prioritise. Sort your emails and projects by level of importance. Plan out what you can do the next day and for the rest of the week. The quality of your work will improve, and your sanity will remain intact.

4. Be Beyoncé

If you can’t be Beyoncé, you should at least try. Trust me when I say you can’t be grumpy when you’re trying to be Beyoncé.  Singing out loud (like in the shower or the car) can boost your mood. Time reports that singing in groups is especially effective, so get your best playlist and sing out loud alone or with friends.



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