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What Is API Authentication?

Authentication refers to the process of verifying the claimed identity of a user. It is the method that associates a new request that has come in with a set of credentials that one may use to identify the requester.

On a local operating system or inside an authentication server, the credentials supplied are compared to those stored on a file that is part of a database that contains the authorized user’s information. 

In simple terms, what happens is that a user attempts to sign in by presenting their information and login credentials. Access is granted if the credentials match those of the records on file.

If not, the user is prompted to rectify any errors in logging in and then proceed to have their information verified. In API authentication, the process is quite similar. Let us first begin by discussing what APIs are. 

 Understanding APIs 

The abbreviation API refers to Application Programming Interface. When discussing application programming interfaces (APIs), the term “application” may refer to any software that performs a specific task.

One may compare an application’s interface to a service contract between that application and another. This contract outlines how the parties communicate by using requests and responses.

The documentation for their API includes guidance for developers about the proper formatting of requests and answers. 

The client-server model is often used to describe API design. The term “client” refers to the requesting application, whereas the term “server” refers to the application that provides the answer. APIs may function differently based on their original intent and implementation. 

  • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 
  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) 
  • WebSocket Application Programming Interfaces
  • REST APIs 

 API Authentication 

 APIs are relied on if there is a requirement for two different programs to connect. Authentication is the mechanism that ensures the safety of these application programming interfaces (APIs).

When one application tries to access another app, the API of the app being accessed will try to validate the calling app’s credentials. In essence, API Authentication is all about proving or verifying the identity of the people accessing your system click here to check more about identity authentication api. 

Free illustrations of Api
Image Source: Pixabay

When a client connects to an API, the API will utilize an authentication protocol to confirm the client’s identity. The protocol will either give the credentials in plain text or encrypt them before sending them from the remote client seeking the connection to the remote access server.

This information then guides the server on whether it should provide access to the remote client. 

black flat screen computer monitor authentication
Image source: Unsplash

Common API Authentication and Authorization Methods 

 The following four authentication techniques are the most often used, even though there is a great deal more available, whether open-source or proprietary. 

  1. Authentication using the HTTP Basic Format

 This highly straightforward authentication approach employs encoding to pose requests to a client about their authentication status. Any online application may have a simple integration thanks to the HTTP header.

However, since this authentication mechanism’s reliability depends on the safety of the connection established between the client and the server, you should not use it. The process is not as secure as other authentication models. 

  2. Access Tokens for the API

 The Access Tokens depend on the specific and unique identifying keys used to distinguish each user and client.

Therefore, whenever a client contacts an application, the application obtains an access token, which it then uses as a credential whenever it requests the target API. This approach is perfect for many software applications that require periodic access. 

 3. OAuth in conjunction with OpenID

 The use of OAuth in conjunction with OpenID makes it possible to perform authentication and authorization at the same time. This technology allows access to confidential information without revealing the user’s passwords and credentials.

Additionally, it makes use of a system that is built on tokens, as the following explains. A user is asked for their approval when a client is being used. If the user agrees, the client will get an authorization grant, which will then be given to the server.  

The server sends a resource-specific token to the user, which identifies both the person and the information that is relevant to them. After that, the client uses the server’s token to access data from the resource server. However, the client may only access the data relevant to the token issued earlier by the authorization token. 

Free vector graphics of Interface
Image sourxe: Pixabay

Parting Shot 

 Considering the extent of access APIs can obtain from servers, every API must have adequate security mechanisms to protect it from unauthorized intrusion.

The best structure that guarantees that all access is limited to the extent of the access that one is allowed to have is the use of Authentication APIs.

By understanding the mechanisms of authenticating APIs, you can be in a better position to secure your applications. 

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About The Author

Rebecca Grey

Rebecca Grey is a passionate writer & guest blogger. Writing helps her to improve her knowledge, skills & understanding of the specific industry. She is been writing content for almost 5 years now, prior to guest blogging she had worked as a proofreader and copy-writer. She loves writing & sharing her knowledge mostly in the health Industry. She believes a healthy lifestyle is the key to a peaceful life & wants to spread her belief across the world. Apart from writing, She loves Travelling and Reading. Writing and Traveling fulfill her heart with the most happiness and make her feel complete. She is also indulged in NGO and welfare societies.

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