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GoPro Awards top 10 official selections marking 5 years anniversary [Video]

GoPro Awards is an always-on program created to reward camera users with monetary awards and gear for sharing their best GoPro content. The organisers introduced the awards in 2015.

In celebrating its five years of existence, they compiled the top 10 videos ever submitted. All the videos were shot on GoPro, but first, let us get brief background information.

What is GoPro?

GoPro is an American technology company that manufactures action cameras. The company also develops its own mobile apps and video-editing software. Nick Woodman founded GoPro in 2002 to meet the camera needs of outdoor adventurers like himself.

Since then, the company has grown to become the most reliable camera tech provider in the world. GoPro sells a fixed-lens HD video camera with a wide 170-degree lens that can be paired to create 360-degree videos.

It also sells an omnidirectional camera that is capable of recording 360-degree footage. Other GoPro accessories that are popular include a 3-way mount, suction cup, chest harness, jaws-type flexible clamp, dog harness, surfing mount, and so on.

The company developed GoPro Studio, a simple video editing software to edit camera footage. Additionally, in a bid to make itself a noteworthy content provider, GoPro created channels on YouTube, Virgin America, Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.

GoPro Awards

GoPro Awards is a means of rewarding users who submit content to the company. The only rule is that the videos must be recorded using a GoPro accessory.

There are several GoPro Awards challenges such as:

Be A HERO Challenge – Videos of how you or someone else is changing the world for the better.

Anything Awesome Challenge – Videos of anything awesome you have captured with your GoPro.

Time We TikTok Challenge –Creative videos that last no longer than 15 seconds or less.

Photo Of The Day Challenge – The best daily photos admired by millions of GoPro fans.

There have also been ‘Million Dollar Challenge’ and ‘#GoProLiveIt Challenge’ in the past as well. From this rich resource of video contents, GoPro collated the best of the best for viewers.

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Below, we describe the GoPro Awards: Top 10 official selections briefly also highlighting the likely reasons they made it into this list.

GoPro Awards: Top 10 official selections

10. Rappelling Down El Capitan

This video shows a man descending El Capitan using a doubled rope coiled around the body and fixed at a higher point. El Capitan, also known as El Cap, is a vertical rock formation in Yosemite National Park, located on the north side of Yosemite Valley, near its western end.

It is a granite monolith of about 3,000 feet (914 m) from base to summit along its tallest face. El Capitan is a popular objective that rock climbers undertake. You will see the video’s subject swinging midair thousands of feet above the ground.

9. Double Backflip in Jackson Hole Backcountry

Jackson Hole Mountain Resort is a destination that lots of skiers and snowboarders want to visit for once in their lifetime. Thus, any event taking place there is guaranteed to garner lots of attention. And the one that makes it to number 9 on GoPro Awards: Top 10 official selections is not just any event.

Aided by a GoPro wearable camera, viewers get to see the viewpoint of a skier execute a perfect double backflip before landing and skiing on smoothly. A double backflip on ice may be staggering but seeing it how the performer sees it is even more impressive.

8. Longboard Freestyle with FPV Drone

This video snippet is so aesthetically pleasing that you would mistake it for top-notch animated work. Also, the skills exhibited in the longboard freestyle is mind-blowing as well.

It is a testament to the crystal clear image that a GoPro camera mounted on a drone can shoot. In addition, the background where the video is shot is also incredible.

7. Water Ski

If ever you had admired glacier water skiing, this video will make you feel like you are the one undertaking this adventure. It gives you the right perspective and camera movement that will be difficult for even seasoned Hollywood cinematographers to shoot.

6. Rubik’s Cube Challenge

Just how difficult is it to solve a Rubik’s cube? Well, many of you may know the answer to that, but have you ever considered solving one while skydiving? Exactly, this is why this video makes it to the GoPro Awards: Top 10 official selections.

A skydiver actually attempts to solve a Rubik’s cube while floating in the air. Think about the level of concentration needed to focus on the Rubik, steady their hands and not lose their mind out of fear. Respect.

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5. Skier Falls Into Crevasse

Not all the videos on this top 10 list are about perfectly executing stunts or daring adventures. In fact, in fifth place, viewers get to panic a little after a skier disappears into a crevasse for some seconds. Subsequently, he shows up again in front of the camera to assure viewers that he was okay.

This further shows us that GoPro Awards recognises just about any video worth seeing for any reason at all.

4. Frozen Kitten Lives

We doubt that there is anything more pleasing to see than humanity and love in action. The fourth-placed video on the GoPro Awards: Top 10 official selections shows a family bringing a frozen cat back to life.

The tiny kitten at the beginning of the clip was frozen in place and immobile. However, the man (he appears to be the father) warms the little creature up and slowly returns warmth and life into it. The kitten is later shown very much alive and attacking the GoPro camera that made it famous.

3. Airplane Failure Marriage Proposal

We have seen videos of creative marriage proposals and this one deserves a place in the ‘marriage proposal hall of fame’ – if there were such a thing. The pilot and his girlfriend are in a small private plane that appears to be malfunctioning at the beginning of the video.

However, the girl’s panic turns into tears of joy when the plane’s checklist turns out to be a written proposal. “Will the pilot in Command love the passenger forever? Check”, is one of the lines that will move anyone to tears in this romantic clip.

2. Turkish Ice Cream Tricks

Popular Turkish Ice Cream tricks make an entrance in the second position of this list. There is really no need to explain why this even makes the list. The skills involved in making the ice cream disappear and reappear on the cones are fun.

1. On A Rocket Launch To Space

Likely, not all of us will get to fly in a spacecraft but the number one video on the GoPro Awards: Top 10 official selections will show you what it feels like to be on the outside of a launched rocket. From the energetic rocket propulsion to stages that place outside of the earth.

You get to see the main engine cut off/stage separation as well as the payload separation. You can watch the full video of the GoPro Awards: Top 10 official selections below:

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About The Author


Obinna is a fiction writer from Lagos, Nigeria, and grew up loving comic book characters and superheroes. He watches lots of action films and writes entertainment and technology articles. He is also interested in science and how things work.

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