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Top 10 best YouTube Christian music channels

See the top 10 best YouTube Christian music channels, where you can listen non-stop to gospel songs and start a radio for yourself.

Music is food for the soul. The various forms and genres of it creates a unique feeling for its audience through lyrics, beats, harmony, rhythm, and melody. Needless to say, one of the many powers music wields is its ability to set several moods, and how there is something for every emotion and occasion.

Sad? Music can cheer you up. Weary? There is more than enough music to renew your strength. Mournful? Music can comfort you. Excited? There is music to match your energy and take it up a notch. The power of music is limitless. Be it the guitar strings, the drumbeats, the peculiar voice of the artiste, or the message embedded in the words, there is always something for listeners to enjoy.

Christian music

It is said that there is a message for every situation in the scriptures, and Christians can always refer to them when the need arises. But, you will agree that not always does one want to read the scriptures. In fact, more often than not, there isn’t enough time for it. What Christian music does is transform those words in the scriptures into melodious tunes that everyone else can savour at any time. Worship songs, prayer songs, revival songs, celebratory songs, songs that teach the word, and so many more are some of the various kinds in the gospel music genre.

Without a doubt, this genre of music have won souls for Christ, kept believers on the right path, restored the faith of believers, reassured believers of God’s promises, filled believers with the joy of salvation, and uplifted souls amongst other things. In today’s world where everything is easily accessible, gospel music is available at our fingertips across various internet based platforms. For the purpose of this article, we will take a look at ten of the best Christian music channels on YouTube.

10 best top YouTube Christian Music Channel

Top 10  Youtube Gospel channels on

1. Bethel Music

Created on 10 August 2010, Bethel Music is arguably the biggest Christian music channel on YouTube. With a total of 3.55 million subscribers and over 1.7 billion views, this channel leads the way. According to their bio, the channel is a ministry of Bethel Church that facilitates and administrates the creation and exportation of worship songs, events, teachings, resources and technology. “It Is Well” by Kristene DiMarco (uploaded in April 2014) is their most watched video, with 83 million views.

2. Hillsong UNITED

There’s hardly anything that separates Hillsong and Bethel music YouTube channels. Created in October 2006, Hillsong United a well known gospel music channel that boasts of 3.73 million subscribers. The channel has garnered a total of 1,083,348,687 views. As seen on their bio, “The heart of UNITED is to create music that reveals the truth of who Jesus is. In studio and out of the studio, on tour or at home, Hillsong UNITED is committed to writing songs that speak truth, create a unique sound, connects with churches, individuals and ultimately connects people everywhere with God.” With 125 million views, their most viewed video is a lyrics video of the song titled “Oceans (Where my feet may fail)”, which was posted in February 2013.

3. Elevation Worship

Elevation worship is the worship ministry of Elevation Church based in Charlotte, NC. Their YouTube channel was created in March 2009. With its 3.28 million subscribers, the channel has garnered a total of 1,388,423,711 views; sitting 3rd on the list of top YouTube Christian music channels.

4. Casting Crowns

The Casting Crown YouTube channel is owned by the Casting Crown music group. Per their bio, the band has produced mega-hits like “Praise You In This Storm,” “East to West,” and many more. The group has sold out arenas, won prestigious awards and traveled the world singing songs of redemption. Their channel has 1.28 million subscribers and a total of 540,513,262 views.

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5. Jesus Culture

Jesus Culture is a community of worship leaders and musicians whose heart is to see a generation impacted by encounters with the presence of God. With 1.06 million subscribers and 351,654,843 views, Jesus culture sits comfortably among the leading Christian music channels.

6. DappyTKeys Piano Worship

The channel is owned by pianist, Tim Oladeru who says playing the piano helps him to declare his love for God, for People and for Worship. He created the channel in October of 2011 and currently has 715,000 subscribers, with a total of 206,057,513 views.

7. Housefires

The Housefires band

8. Vertical Worship

Launched on 12 June 2012, Vertical Worship is the official YouTube channel of a Christian band of the same name. They are a contemporary Christian and worship band from Chicago, Illinois. The band includes Andi Rozier, Jake France, Lauren Smith, Judd Harris, and Tara Cruz. They have released 6 albums through Essential Records, with “Grace Is On Our Side” being the 7th. The channel has a combined total of 62,685,599 views, and 164,000 subscribers.

9. Amen Worldwide

According to their channel bio, Amen Worldwide has been redefining the scene since 2012, as the original home of good Christian music on YouTube. The channel showcases great music of all genres written by followers of Christ. Launched September 2012, the channel has 309,000 subscribers and a total of 57,665,522 views.

10. Capitol Christian Music Group

Created in October 2006, the channel is the official YouTube forum for Sparrow Records and Capitol Christian Music Group. The channel has accrued 57,662,573 views so far and has a little over 91,000 subscribers.

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These channels and many more like them present an endless array of spirit filled Christian music for every occasion and season. You can enjoy the variety of voices, styles, and messages anywhere and anytime. As you go into the new week, take a tour of these channels and treat yourself to the beauty of the music they provide. You will be glad you did.
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