Today is 2 February 2020, which is also written as 02-02-2020 in both the MM/DD/YYYY format and the DD/MM/YYYY format.
This is the first time that this will occur in this century. The previous palindrome date occurred on 11/11/1111, which is 909 years ago.
According to, a palindrome means a word, line, verse, number, sentence, etc., reading the same backward as forwards.
The word was derived from the Greek word Palindromos, which means recurring.
After today, the next palindrome date will be in the next century, which will be on 03/03/3030, which is in 101 years. Many people who are alive today will most likely not be around for the next time it happens.
This is also what makes it so special, as people realize that they were not around for the last one and will most likely not be around for the next one.
Hence, people took to social media to celebrate the day in a big way, using the hashtag #PalindromeDay to acknowledge the day.
After the 3030 palindrome day, people will have to wait 1,010 years, until April 4, 4040.
Check out some of the tweets people have been sharing on Twitter below:
Happy #PalindromeDay. It's said that we only experienced it once, but I hope to be here for the next one. And am not joking about it?
— Nnamdi Samson (@nnadon_6) February 2, 2020
Ohhh, today's date is "Palindromic"
We only get these once in a millennia I think. The next is 03/03/3030, none of us would be alive to witness it. #February2020
— Joshua Gabriel Oluwaseyi ? (@joshgseyi) February 2, 2020
Today is 02/02/2020 — the first global palindrome day in 909 years. #HappyPalindromeDay
— Gift? (@lauragift_) February 2, 2020
Whether we like it or not we won’t see the next palindrome day which is 03-03-3030.
Today is the last palindrome we are seeing which is 02-02-2020.— ‘Miss Taiwo (@ItsMisola) February 2, 2020
Happy palindrome day!
Very special day indeed… We’re lucky to be around to see such a day.. Big shame some just missed it.. RIP Kobe