The study conducted by Todd B. Kashdan and others at George Mason University asked participants to answer a series of questions every day relating to their life satisfaction and the frequency, intimacy, enjoyability of their sexual activity. Life satisfaction was measured with several parameters, including mood and if they found that day to be meaningful, the Big Think reports.
The subjects, 152 adults who were mostly female, were asked to fill out demographic reports which included whether or not they were in relationships and information on the length and closeness of those relationships. They were then asked to fill out an online form every night detailing their mood, how meaningful they found their lives to be, and if they engaged in sexual activity. They were asked to rate that activity in terms of enjoyment and intimacy on a standardised scale.
The finding?
Having sex leads to increased well-being on all counts for the next day. Moreover, those who reported having high levels of intimacy with their partners see that improvement last more than 24 hours. On the other hand, well-being was not found to influence the occurrence of sex.
Neither pleasure, intimacy, or how much their mood had improved affected the increased sense of finding meaning in life. This facet of well-being improved consistently for all test subjects after sex and was affected only by the quality of their relationship if any.
Curiously, the results suggest that being in a committed relationship of any length has little to no effect on reported well-being. Those in the closest relationships, however, did show higher levels of well-being improvement compared to everyone else. In light of this, the authors suggest that a dominant component of feeling like your life has meaning may be having meaningful social connections.
The authors, however, note that more explanation is needed to explain the relationship between sex and finding meaning in life.
For more on the study visit the Big Think website.
Oyibo will not kill us every day the we bring out one thing
@prosper am telling you.even if this kind of questions is asked in Nigeria,you will see lies
Oyibo will always advance.see how they took their time to ask you his question and the online question about their mood.
Nice one though