Attraction Signs.
Yes, this is what we call green light so gather round and let us put some of the uncertainties to rest now.
Eye Contacts.
Although eye contact and blinking differ in cultural societies, when someone keeps looking at our eyes while discussing it shows a level of attraction and blinking can indicate flirting.
Facial Expressions.
Smiling regularly shows attraction as clearly as saying ‘I am attracted to you’ but it may be difficult to identify genuine smiles from forced ones and there is one fool proof way: real smiles reach the eyes causing wrinkling around the edges of the eyes but fake ones cause no wrinkles. When a person raises the eyebrows unintentionally, it shows flirtation.
Postures, Gestures and Stance.
People who lean into each other are clearly attracted to one another as they try to close the physical distance between them and touching like; lightly stroking the arm or elbow is also another sign. The feet face the person of interest and opened turned-up palms suggests that a person is open to what is being said or the person they are attracted to.
Gender Differences in Show of Affection.
The way each gender show affection may differ as men generally lean in close while women relax and lean back. And while a man may place his hands behind his neck or head a woman may put hand on her hips or below her chin.
It is however important to know that despite the effectiveness of methods of reading ‘suggestive’ green lights, our reactions should not be to start taking liberties that can hurt or embarrass the other person. Respect people’s choices when they show that they do not like a particular action or want it to stop.
Source: wikihow
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