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Heart to heart: On the fragility of life amid the Coronavirus pandemic

In January, we all heard of the Coronavirus in Wuhan, China, where it was said to originate from a wet market. 

Even though news of deaths filtered out from the country daily, we watched the numbers change with a sense of lethargy – it had not reached us, and ‘God willing’, it would not. We continued to live our normal lives, sometimes paying the barest attention to the news from China.

The country went into total lockdown and streets emptied. Every other day, videos filtered out showing people falling in the streets. Some people made jokes out of the situation.

[bctt tweet=”Some of us lost loved ones to the virus, while others struggle with their mental health while dealing with a situation that they have never had to deal with before. ” username=”Sidomex”]

But too soon, it had started to spread. It was in South Korea and spreading quickly all of a sudden. The World Health Organization (WHO) renamed the virus and called it COVID-19 to avoid discrimination.

Slowly the virus spread, steadily taking more lives until we were all forced to pay attention. When it reached Italy, we watched the numbers rise until it reached the thousands and we became slightly more afraid than we were before. Whether we liked it or not, the virus was coming.

Now, more than half of the world is in some of a lockdown. Schools, businesses, gyms, recreational centres are now closed and we are all forced to stay indoors. Each day, the number rises. Some of us lost loved ones to the virus, while others struggle with their mental health while dealing with a situation that they have never had to deal with before.

[bctt tweet=”It really is the only thing we can do – look to a better future, since the present consists of sitting at home, trying to be positive, and waiting for the virus to pass.” username=”Sidomex”]

It is a tough time for everyone, but what stands out the most is the fragility of life in all its forms. One moment, you are here, and the next you can be in the hospital, battling this strange disease that is without a cure.

People who were content to simply drift in life are now making grand promises on social media that they will change their ways of life after this, make more of life, change toxic patterns, love harder, do more, chase their passions.

Thinking critically about it, it really is the only thing we can do – look to a better future, since the present consists of sitting at home, trying to be positive, and waiting for the virus to pass.

How are you coping during the pandemic? What has life been for you since the start of the novel Coronavirus pandemic? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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