The Russian President told a crowd of students that the prospect is almost a reality as scientists are very close to deciphering the genetic that would enable them to create human beings with pre-assigned characteristics. He is, however, clearly not super excited about it all. He said:
“All kinds of practical consequences may follow. One may imagine that a man can create a man not only theoretically but also practically.
“He can be a genius mathematician, a brilliant musician or a soldier, a man who can fight without fear, compassion, regret or pain.
“As you understand, humanity can enter, and most likely it will in the near future, a very difficult and very responsible period of its existence.
“What I have just described might be worse than a nuclear bomb.”The strongman of Russia also warned that world leaders must agree on regulations to control the creation of mass-killing super soldiers.
He said: “When we do something, whatever we do, I want to reiterate it again — we must never forget about the ethical foundations of our work.”

Putin has spoken of the ethical considerations in creating super-soldiers such as those featured in the 1992 film Universal Soldier featuring Jean-Claude Van Damme. Picture: News Corp
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