Sally who resides at Utako, Abuja, had pleaded guilty during an investigation to a two-count charge of joint act and theft. Two offences that contravened Sections 79 and 288 of the Penal Code.
According to the Nation, the prosecutor, Zannan Dalhatu, had told the court that the matter was reported by one Eugene Dauda, of same address with Sally, at the Utako Police Station on March 29.
The prosecutor said that the convict on that same date, with one person who is now at large, snatched? the complainant’s Techno cell phone valued at N30,000.00.
Dalhatu said that the person at large escaped with the phone and Sally was caught with the help of passersby.
The judge, Alhaji Abubakar Sadiq, who gave the order, after Sally admitted committing the offence, said that the court might not be lenient with him the next time he appeared before it.
Source- The Nation
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