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12 Supermarket Shopping Tips from Nutritionists

Ever wondered and wanted to know what the grocery habits of a nutritionist might look like? If yes, then you are in luck! According to an article on, a nutritionist is a normal person, having a normal routine like the next hardworking person, as well as having to make choices about food and keeping healthy food.



In “Any given aisle, they make small decisions, choosing this ingredient or that brand, for reasons you might not even realise. Those are the small steps that make a big difference in your diet: looking out for sneaky salt here, checking for added sugar there, or grabbing a certain type of milk or bread,” the article says.




1. They always take a list.

Don’t panic! But do walk into the store with a plan.

This have several advantages: saves time, helps one to stick to only items on the list, saves money.


2. They never shop hungry.

It’s old advice, but sound advice. Nothing good ever came from strolling the bakery aisle hungry.  And of course, it stops one from binging on snacks and saves you time and money as well.


3. They fill half the cart with fruits and vegetables.

No surprises there. It makes perfect sense seeing that fruits and vegetable are highly recommended for a healthy diet.


Photo via Pexel

4. They check for salt.

It’s a sound habit to always read the nutritional contents of food before buying them. This will help one to choose a healthier option. Take note that popularity of a particular product does not necessarily mean that it’s the best one, nutrition wise.


5. They check for sugar.

Salt is not only the thing that nutritionist check. They also check out the sugar content of food incluf=ding condiments, sauces and salad dressings, which are sources of hidden sugar. Also one should be mindful that a claim of No added sugar” does not necessarily mean zero sugar, as some food naturally contain sugar, e.g. fruit juices.


6. They don’t do flavoured dairy.

They prefer plain, low-fat yoghurts, never sweetened. Be wary of fruity yoghurts, which often time are sugar disguised as real fruits.


7. They totally eat carbs.

Healthy carbs, that is. These pros put whole grains in their carts, such as whole-wheat bread, tortillas, rolled oats, brown rice, and more. They love sweet potatoes and bananas. They even eat whole-wheat pasta. Yes, pasta.

Carbohydrates are not necessarily bad for you, after all our body needs energy to function. Healthy carbs such as whole grains whole-wheat bread, tortillas, rolled oats, brown rice, and more are totally fine with nutritionists. They also love sweet potatoes and bananas and even whole whole-wheat pasta.


8. They’re not afraid of the freezer aisle.

For food like frozen vegetables and vegetables, which are usually cheaper than fresh ones. research suggests that frozen veg and fruits preserve their nutritional contents and so are perfectly alright for consumption., like peas, edamame, and spinach, are great to have on hand. Frozen fruit, like berries and mango, are perfect for smoothies. Frozen fish is another must-have. Just make sure it’s real fish, “without butter, batter, or crumbs.”


9. They skip the crisps, biscuits, and fizzy drinks.

In fact, they wish they could fling all highly processed foods from your cart. The one aisle to wheel past? That’s because of the usually high amount of salts and sugar in these types of food. As occasional treat eating in moderation as part of a balanced diet, then they can be ok. However, everyone knows that the best way to beat temptation is to avoid it.


10. They’re suspicious of misleading labels.

Again, reading the label – just make a habit of it. A cookie is still a cookie, even if it’s “gluten-free,” “natural,” and “organic.” “Don’t just look at the front of the package, pay more attention to what’s on the label on the back,”  The front is more promotional; the back shows you the proof.”      



11. They’re not afraid to try something new,

Who doesn’t or hasn’t at one time or another tried a weird vegetable or unfamiliar recipe?  Call up your adventurous side and new things, at worst, you know to avoid it in the future, but you might just discover a tasty gem.


12. They delegate to get it done.

Apparently, not everyone enjoys grocery shopping, so it’s ok to delegate the task – if you could! But there’s a catch, give them a shopping list, that way, there’s a reasonable expectation that there won’t be surprises in the basket.

An earlier version of this article first appeared on


This article is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.




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