Starring Julius Agwu as the voice of Bruno (the dog), “Dognapped” is a family comedy movie about the life of an upcoming comedian Andy (Tope Tedela) who forms a relationship with a talking dog Bruno. They both go on a roller-coaster ride as they conquer their fears, battle their enemies, fall in love and rise to fame.
Other casts include Odunlade Adekola, Tope Tedela, Lota Chukwu, Senator the Comedian, Funnybone, WofaiFada, Comedian Ebiye, Brutus Richard, Paul Utomi, Olive Amaechi, Aisha Sanni-Shittu, Promise Williams and Tunji Centric.
Watch trailer
Producer: Temilola Adebayo, a
Director: Kayode Kasum
Cinema release date: September 29, 2017.
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