But beware, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Like all sports, the rules to being lazy are very strict. As the resort’s Facebook page explains, contestants must “remain lying down without getting up, even to go to the toilet.” They are, however, allowed to eat, sleep and look at their smartphones. The last person to leave their mattress will be declared the winner.
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Last year, the award went to a Bosnian who managed to do absolutely s--t-all for a whopping 33 hours and 30 minutes. Impressive, but it’s not enough to beat the world record held by Marko Djurovic in 2014 who managed to build up 37 hours of pure lazing about. If you think you can do better, you know what to do. If you can be bothered, that is.
The 2017 edition of the lazy championships will be held during the month of October at Etno Village.
This article first appeared on Konbini
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