The news was shared on social media via a tweet by @saintava who posted pictures of Alliyah, her recent threat email and the victim’s explanation with the quote:
“heads up Aaliyah Holliday raped my friend on January 18, 2018. On January 22 she beat him for trying to tell people. She has continuously harassed him since. She goes to Cornell University”
The boyfriend who is the victim writes:
Also recently, Aaliyah sent a threat mail to the boyfriend informing him of her aspirations for medical school and how any judicial action could ruin her future. She threatens to do everything to ruin him if he doesn’t desist from making charges and meeting her to sort out their differences.
The story just shows that men too can be victims of sexual harassments. It is not often that such incidences are reported, probably due to shame or stigma or that such a man might be ridiculed if they spoke out. So kudos to the victim for raising awareness for this issue. It is never acceptable for anyone to sexually abuse another, no matter their gender or age. Hopefully, the school will investigate and take appropriate actions.
11 thoughts on “Lady sexually assaults boyfriend, threatens and beat him for trying to tell people”