Slicing an avocado is such an easy job, that is until one has to deal with its ripeness and the rock-hard pit, or so we are told according to an article on than halving the avocado lengthwise, as it is customarily done, one should halve it
Rather than halving the avocado lengthwise, as it is customarily done, one should halve it crosswise, around the pit. This will not only help to prevent accidental cutting of the fingers but also allow the pit to drop right out with a gentle squeeze if the avocado is ripe. No dangerous knife-wielding necessary! But the real magic comes once the pit is outta there.
You scoop out the avocado from the peel (or use your hands to actually peel the two halves if you’re a perfectionist), then slice the avocado into rings.
At this point, you can top your salad or sandwich with the rings or you can halve them, whichever style that floats your boat, either way, you get nice thick gorgeous slices like these:
15 thoughts on “How to peel and slice an avocado – Hint: it’s not the way you’ve been doing it!”