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Dr Cupid: 10 surefire ways to know you’re in love

Love is a beautiful feeling, no doubt. It leaves you with tingles in your fingers and butterflies in your belly.

Love is one of the most beautiful things that the world has to offer and it’s different for so many people. Some people fall in love at first sight, while others need a bit more time to go all the way.

Nonetheless, it’s important to know when we’re in love and we’re going to show you the top ten sure ways to know if you’re in love.

Of course, some people believe that people don’t fall in love and that we choose to be in love. Either way, here are signs to know for sure that you’re in love.

1. Everything reminds you of them:

You may be rushing on the road, on your way to work, and you’ll suddenly remember something they said to you sometimes before. A smile may burst onto your face.

Others will think that you’re weird, but you don’t care.

Whenever you’re in love, the little things will remind you of them. It could be the fact that they love (or hate rain) and your colleague reminded you of that, or you’ll walk past the cinema and remember one of your dates.

No matter what you’re doing, you just can’t stop thinking about them.

Dr Cupid: 10 surefire ways to know you're in love

2. You always find yourself talking about them:

Yes, you and your friend may be discussing Ronaldo’s big goal at that last match, but who cares? You’ll feel the need to chip in halfway into the conversation that your partner doesn’t really like football.

When your friends poke fun at you for talking about your partner all the time, you can’t find it in you to get mad.

That, my friend, is a sign that you’ve caught the love bug.

3. Everything feels new and exciting:

When you’re in love, your brain is awash in dopamine and you always feel so good. Looking at the world through this lens really is amazing.

They’re the first ones you think of when you want to try something new. You want to do the things you’ve done a million times before, only that you’re excited to do it with your partner because you’re in love with them.

4. You find yourself planning for the future:

Unconsciously, you’ll find yourself planning for the future when you’re in love.

When you’re in love, you don’t want them to leave, ever. So you’ll start including them in your plans, asking for their advice, fitting them in your long-term plans, etcetera.

5. You find yourself wanting to try new things:

People in love often change after, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

If you find that you want to try things your partner likes, then you may already be in love.

So even if you hate watching football and your partner loves it, don’t be surprised to find yourself cheering right beside them during a football match.

6. You get a little bit jealous:

A little bit of jealousy is normal when you’re in love because you want your partner to be exclusive to you.

However, take care that you don’t start stalking them on social media, or sneaking around trying to go through their phone. That is not a sign of love, and should absolutely be checked before it goes out hand.

7. You love their quirks:

You can go all your life not liking some features on a person, but when you fall in love, that becomes your favourite part of your partner.

When you get closer to a person, you notice all the little things about them. However, when you’re in love with a person, you fall in love with their quirks. In fact, these things make them more unique to you.

Dr Cupid: 10 surefire ways to know you're in love

8. You can’t stop staring at/touching them:

When you’re in love with someone, you can’t stop looking at them. They can’t stop looking at you and you regularly find yourselves staring into each other’s eyes.

It’s the dopamine that makes this all feel so good.

9. With them, less is more:

Whether it’s going all out to a fancy restaurant or staying in to watch Netflix, it really doesn’t matter when you’re in love.

As long as you’re with the person you love, even the most mundane things feel very interesting. Spending two minutes with them feels like a very short while but you’d rather spend those two minutes with them than do anything without them.

10. Your relationship feels easy

Lots of things are hard, but when you’re in love, your relationship is easier.

You don’t have to struggle to find time to spend with each other because you’re thinking the same things. When you argue, you feel more empathic towards each other and even your arguments are much better.

You’re each other’s first priority and that makes it easier to sit back and enjoy the love between you two.

So, did these signs help you figure it out? Did we miss other tips? Let us know in the comments section below.

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