Nigeria foremost crossdresser, Okuneye Idris who is popularly known as Bobrisky , has called out sinners judging sinners.”
The bleaching cream entrepreneur made the call on his Instagram page in a post he captioned “Question of the day guys .”
According to Bobrisky, anyone who judges another is mad, questioning who gave anyone “th e order to judge other people? “
He also threatened to roundly insult such people should they venture to comment on his page, following which he would block them.
Read the post lightly edited for clarity:
@bobrisky222: “Question of the day guys. “Why do sinners judge sinners? You sleep with another man’s wife; the men cheat on their wives; the girls sleep with other women’s husbands; you lie; you are into fraud (Yahoo boys); you steal; etc. So, who gave you the order to judge other people? You must be MAD .
“Can anyone point his/her fingers up and confirm he/ she has never sinned before? If anyone comes to my page and preach jazz, I will destroy ur life with insults then block ur stick head .”
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