The hardest part of writing a book is the actual writing. Once the rush of finding the perfect idea for a story has passed, you’re left with the daunting process of actually writing it.
Many writers underestimate this process or go into it knowing very little and end up right where they started. So that you don’t become one of those writers, we have compiled an article to help you properly structure your book and smash your writing goals.
Identify your target market
For any book to actually be a success, there has to be a target market. Are you writing for writers (A self-help book on writing), for bankers, educationists, crime lovers? You need to identify the kind of people your book will appeal to.
Find out what your target market likes and as best as you can, make sure you deliver.
Decide on the storyline
You don’t want to be in the middle of writing a book and then get stuck because you don’t know where the story is going anymore. Before you start writing your book, plan out the story. Decide on the storyline. It makes your work easier and reduces the possibility of a writer’s block.
Set a daily word count
This is needed to make sure that you’re on track and on time. Set a daily word count and make sure you complete it. Make it attainable so you don’t fail before you start. Before you know it, the routine will become a part of you.
Set a total word count
Before you start writing your book, you must have a set target for how many words you want the book to be. Is it a novella or a full-length novel? You need to decide before you start. Set a total word count.
Give yourself weekly deadlines
Set weekly deadlines, this makes sure you stay on track and don’t draw out the deadlines when you shouldn’t. Celebrate when you finish your goals ahead of your deadlines, this will help you stay ahead and keep you motivated.
Get feedback
At the end of it all, when you’ve finished writing your book and have edited it to your satisfaction, send it out. Send it to people whose opinion you value and get helpful feedback on your work. Constructive criticism will assist your book to become better and help you to become a better writer. It will also help you know if you’re on the right track.
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