New photos and pieces of evidence have emerged which shows that Johnny Depp might have been violently assaulted by his former partner, Amber Heard.
In the latest photo, a bruised Johnny Depp can be seen. More disturbing is a photo of the Pirates Of The Carribean star’s finger allegedly chopped off by Amber Heard.
This is what #AmberHeard did to #JohnnyDepp. She's the monster who abused her husband and her previous partner, who was arrested for domestic violence, who confessed under oath to a series of violent attacks on Johnny Depp. Stop defending and glorifying this female abuser!
— Cinemapatti (@cinemapatti) March 12, 2019
Johnny Depp, however, is suing Amber Heard for $50M for defamation of character. The case has shown that Amber Heard has in fact admitted to the abuse while under oath.
Johnny Depp also submitted 87 surveillance camera videos to the court, 17 depositions of witnesses (which includes police officers), and of course, the previous images. Prior to this latest development, the industry had ‘cancelled’ Johnny Depp for assaulting Amber Heard.
Since this new information broke, a number of people have retracted their statements and are standing by the movie star.
When a monster like Amber Heard is exposed and people look away,
especially those who became a one-man band and declared a party some years ago to ‘cancel’ Johnny Depp,It only means we are hypocrites who believe Domestic Violence is okay as long as the victim is not a woman.
— #OurFavOnlineDoc ?????? (@DrOlufunmilayo) March 13, 2019
Disney better hire Johnny Depp back as Captain Jack Sparrow!! And not f-----g rebooting the franchise! He loves the role and Disney owes Johnny an apology from taking it away from him. #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent
— Farhan? (@MdFarhanDidi) March 13, 2019
Y'all still gonna say "so they were both abusive" when Amber Heard did this?
Johnny Depp changed the tattoo of her nickname, and she posted a photo of herself with her punching fists and caption "no ink needed." Taunting her "abuser"?
Yeah she must've been terrified of him.
— . (@__jacxpearls) March 13, 2019
Amber Heard was previously arrested for domestic abuse against her partner former Taysa Van Ree who she was with before Johnny Depp. With her claims of abuse against Depp, she allegedly used the #MeToo movement to lift her career and slander Johnny Depp, ensuring he was silenced in the industry.
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