She’s controversial and seems to enjoy the attention. How else might one interpret Tonto Dikeh’s various shenanigans on social media?
But love or hate her Tonto Dikeh is on firm ground and knows what she stands for, or not stand for, for that matter.
This morning, she just dropped another bomb that gives fans a little more insight into her psyche, and to naysayers maybe another reasons to shake their head?
Alongside a beautiful headshot, Tonto Dikeh who celebrated her 34th birthday last Sunday shares with fans, the two reasons she doesn’t compete (with other people). And they are reasons we can definitely relate to.
“Reasons I don’t compete (all caps),” she says. “You can’t have what’s mine (and) I don’t want what’s yours,” the post adds in all cap letters.
That is basically saying, she’s devoid of all envy. A tenet anyone can live by we think.
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