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Daddy Freeze writes open letter to Patience Ozokwor

OAP Daddy Freeze has taken to his Instagram account to write an open letter to actress/evangelist Patience Ozokwor.

In a recent interview, the actress stated that she had to close her hair salon because of her religious belief. She explained that she was informed that hair extensions are dedicated to shrines in India and China and as such, Christians should not use them. Patience further went on to attribute the increasing rate of madness to the use of hair extensions.

In an open letter to Patience on Instagram, Freeze addressed her beliefs stating that they are untrue.

He wrote: “Dear Aunty Patience, please do not find this letter insulting, as that is not my intention, rather I’m seeking to clarify unattested fallacies that have germinated into full-blown Christian doctrines. I hold you in high esteem, as you remain one of my favourite Nollywood actresses.

However, due to the paucity of genuine pastors in Nigeria, most of us were schooled in both error and ignorance. I was once a victim myself before I became enlightened in both spirit and scripture. I once allowed someone whom today I find unfit to wash my car, guide me in matters of the spirit.”

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Dear Aunty Patience, Please do not find this letter insulting, as that is not my intention, rather I’m seeking to clarify unattested fallacies that have germinated into full blown Christian doctrines and I hold you in high esteem, as you remain one of my favorite Nollywood actresses. – However, due to the paucity of genuine pastors in Nigeria, most of us were schooled in both error and ignorance. – I was once a victim myself, before I became enlightened in both spirit and scripture. I once allowed someone whom today I find unfit to wash my car, guide me in matters of the spirit. – I was lead in delusion, ensuing from the amalgamation of the deficit in my pastor’s understanding and the plethora of his greed. – God called me to rescue Nigeria from unscholarly teachers bereft of the spirit of God. – I find it hypocritical (pardon my use of the word, but I lack a better appellation to aptly portray what our faith has become), when Christians say things like: “weaves are dedicated to shrines”. Can you guarantee that the car you are driving and the clothes you are wearing were not dedicated to shrines? Are they from ‘christian’ sources? – If you understand the sign language of the occult like I do, you will realize that many banks, cosmetic, food, beverage and automotive conglomerates are deep in occultism, with their products dedicated to shrines. So if you stop wearing weaves are you going to also stop using toothpaste or bathing with soap as well? – As long as we continue being lazy Christians seeking blessings, these pagan shrines will continue to feed us. – Here is another angle, you stopped wearing weaves and closed your hair salon, but you are going to celebrate the birthday of Nimród on the 25th of December, a birthdate he shares with almost every single sun deity, and worship ‘Jesus’ on Sunday, the day of the worship of the sun god?? – Then you will proceed to celebrate the resurrection of ‘Jesus’ on the day dedicated to the Babylonian goddess ‘Ishtar’, coincidentally aligning with ‘Eostre’ a goddess of the Saxons in honor of whom sacrifices were offered. – To be continued in my live teaching at 4pm on

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  8. It’s a choice. If you choose to not wear them, that’s fine. But to alert everyone on the issue of weaves coming from shrines and we not to wear them, is what will not fly.

  9. Aunty Patience, you can close your Salon but it won’t stop us from wearing weaves oo. And by the way, money dey that business o, so i wish you can just encounter the truth and reopen it.

  10. Nawooo! Where is this topic coming from. This is so not right. I don’t agree at all.
    Christians and some of our funny sayings and doctrinal beliefs


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