Tithe and tithing, two words that seem to rub media personality Daddy Freeze in the wrong way
And his latest tirade on the subject was directed tot he General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God., David Adeboye.
Freeze was writing in response to Adeboye’s statement that only a madman will bring alcohol into the church. He consequently advised the revered man of God to “brush up on his biblical proficiency.”
The full post
@daddyfreeze: “A General overseer can NEVER override the scriptures, NEVER.
“That’s how one GO, who badly needs to brush up his biblical proficiency, said “even a mad person knows you can’t drink beer in church.”
“That GO made mockery of Christianity and brandished the bankruptcy of his scriptural knowledge.
“Is he doubting the sanity of the almighty God who declared that tithe could be used to buy beer in Deuteronomy 14:22-26 or is he saying that Moses is a lunatic?
“Read bible they won’t read, na so so brainwashing dem sabi.
“Thank you, Reno Omokri and Femi Aribisala you have both showcased the depth of your scriptural understanding and highlighted a genre of knowledge that can only come through dedicated studying and research, I salute you both! ~FRZ
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